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Cordlife NIPT

From a simple blood draw as early as 10 weeks into your pregnancy, Cordlife NIPT screens for the most common chromosomal abnormalities that can affect your developing baby’s future. This test is done with little or no risk to your pregnancy.

Avail Cordlife NIPT today

Cordlife Non-invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) requires a prescription from your OB-GYN.

Book your schedule today by uploading your prescription. Don’t have one yet? No worries-- we’re here to help!

Complete our form, and our friendly consultants will assist you in coordinating with your doctor. We’ll get in touch with you shortly!

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Upload your NIPT prescription/request from your OB-GYN.
Kindly upload your NIPT prescription/request from your OB-GYN. If unavailable, our representative will contact you via your provided details.
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