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Cordlife NIPT

Quality You Can Trust

Cordlife NIPT gives you an accurate insight into your pregnancy

From a simple blood draw as early as 10 weeks into your pregnancy, Cordlife NIPT screens for the most common chromosomal abnormalities that can affect your developing baby’s future. This test is done with little or no risk to your pregnancy.

  • simple blood test to screen for chromosomal abnormalities of the developing baby. Carries little or no risk to your pregnancy.
  • Can be performed as early as on the 10th week of pregnancy. Twin pregnancy can be tested.
  • Employs Whole Genome Sequencing method for comprehensive coverage of all chromosomes.
  • More than 99% accuracy rate.
  • Option to know your baby’s fetal sex.
  • Tested by an internationally certified laboratory in South Korea.
  • 3 panels available to detect up to 142 conditions. Option to know your baby’s gender.
  • Up to US$300 confirmatory testing subsidy for patients detected with high-risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

Conventional Prenatal Tests vs Cordlife NIPT

Conventional maternal marker-based prenatal tests such as triple tests, quad tests and integrated tests carry a high false positive rate of 5% or more. This means that of those who were diagnosed as high-risk through these tests, only 2 to 3 percent of them actually have Down syndrome. The rest of the group are perfectly normal but were misdiagnosed as part of the high risk group.

More accurate test reduce need for unnecessary invasive prenatal test

As high risk group patients are usually required to go through risky invasive test such as amniotic fluid test for confirmation, which exposes them to the risk of side effects including miscarriage, choosing a more reliable and accurate test will spare expectant mothers from unnecessary agony and anxiety. The table below compares the various prenatal tests available in the market today.

Detection Rate (T21)>99%80% – 95%99.99%
False Positive Rate (T21)1.49%3-5%less than 1%
Possible riskNo (non-invasive)No (non-invasive)Yes (invasive)
Specimen10ml of blood5ml of bloodAmniotic fluid or chorionic cells
Test periodAs early as 10 weeks10- 22 weeks10 – 20 weeks
Test methodNext generation sequencingSerum biochemical markersCultivation using amniotic fluid or chorionic cells


  1. Practice Bulletin No. 163: Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy; American college of Obstetrics & Gynaecologists. 127(5):e123–e137, May 2016.
  2. Kim MJ, Chang HK, Kim DI, Hee SU, Park S, Kim JH, Bae JS, Lee MH, Lee MS. Validation of fetus aneuploidy in 221 Korean clinical samples using non-invasive chromosome examination; J Genet Med 2015;12(2):79-84, May 2015.
  3. Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) Factsheet; National Coalition for Health Professional education in Genetics, 21 November 2012.

What our customers are saying

My OB told me to take the Non-Invasive Prenatal Test offered by Cordlife to check if my baby is all right. She highly recommended it since it can show early signs of abnormalities even on my 10th week.

Hubby and I waited for ten long days and the result finally came. What a relief it brought when we learned that our baby is healthy and we’re having a Boy! It was another tear-jerking moment for us.
Isabel Oli Prats
NICE - Testimonial Isabel Oli Prats
I’ve always put my family first especially when it comes to health. That’s why for both my pregnancies to Stellar and Salem, I made sure to consult my OB-GYN on the things I should do to proactively protect my children’s health. I am thankful that my doctor prescribed to me Cordlife’s NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Test) so I can prepare for any potential genetic condition that my baby will have. Cordlife makes it so convenient with their home service that I had my extraction in the comfort of my own home. It is truly so empowering to be parents who take proactive family healthcare management seriously for the benefit of our little kiddos.
Chynna Ortaleza-Cipriano
NICE - Testimonial
This is actually the first time I’ve heard of this test. I’ve never done this for any of my past pregnancies and I learned na mayroon palang test na pwede mong i-take as early as 10 weeks of your pregnancy. In this test, ang dami mong pwedeng malaman. It’s through blood extraction and you get to find out what you need to prepare for for your peace of mind so you know that the baby you’re carrying is healthy and normal. This test can detect many kinds of syndromes and of course, bonus na that you get to find out your baby’s gender.

It gives you the results within 10-14 days and they do home service. They come to your home and it took less than 5 minutes, it was easy and it was not painful at all.

Watch the Gender Reveal for Baby Number 4 | Garcia Family

Patrick and Nikka Garcia
Garcia Family
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Enrolling for Cordlife NIPT

Cordlife NIPT must be prescribed by your obstetrician who will explain the details about NIPT to ensure the test is suitable for you.